15 active users
15 users have printed this month.
15 users have printed this month.
2 users have not yet printed this month.
2 users have not accepted their invitation yet.
Refine your search or invite someone
Select to invite or delete users.
Users and groups you select will appear here
Depending on the file size, it may take a few minutes to complete. You can close this dialog as we will continue processing in the background.
By continuing, invitations will be sent to the selected users. This action cannot be undone.
Enter one or more email addresses of the users you want to add.
The user signs in to their identity provider.
They're ready! The user is logged into their user portal and are all set to use PaperCut Hive.
Enter one or more email addresses of the users you want to add.
The user will receive their email invitation with a unique link.
The user will be given links to download the apps with setup instructions.