It's also not connected to any printers (your trees are safe)
Nothing gets saved
Your data isn't being used - just demo data
You’re about to exit Demo Mode
After exiting, any changes you make will affect your organization's setup and data.
What's ahead?
To get up and running, we need to do a few things first...
Install something to discover your printers. We call it an edge node.This is the first part of your edge mesh (aka cool tech!). The edge mesh keeps your documents secure and local and you'll learn more about this later.
Send your first invite... to yourself!This allows you to "test drive" the end-user print experience for yourself.
Explore the admin console and invite others to the party!There is plenty of power under the hood to help you make printing easy for all.
Add add-ons you've purchased
Install your first edge node
Edge nodes have a lot of jobs — the first being printer discovery. Let's find some!
Invitation to what, you ask? An invitation to truly live!
The invitation will include instructions to help you set up your own PaperCut Printer and secure print release. This allows you to "test drive" the end-user print experience for yourself.
Start exploring the admin console. At your leisure complete the steps visible on top of your dashboard. After that, the fun part... you get to help everyone print more responsibily!
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Jan 21 13:20:31 Starting printer discovery ... Jan 21 13:20:31 Looking at local print queues on MatBook.local ... Jan 21 13:20:32 Looking for printers on network: [,] Jan 21 13:20:32 Scanning for printers in subnet ... Jan 21 13:20:32 Scanning for printers in subnet ... Jan 21 13:20:52 Completed looking at local print queues on MatBook.local. [16 printers found] Jan 21 13:20:53 Printer found: Samsung M283x Series (SEC30CDA73A812C) Jan 21 13:20:53 Printer found: Fake Printer Jan 21 13:20:53 Printer found: Samsung M2835 Jan 21 13:20:54 Printer found: Brother HL-1110 series Jan 21 13:20:56 Printer found: hpm277
Do you know where your printers are? Give us a hint:
Use a comma separated list for multiple hostnames, IP addresses, or subnets. If your printers are on different subnets, it can be difficult for us to find them. By giving us hints to their locations, we'll find it easier to discover them. If you have lots of hints, let us know. A single IP, a subnet, or even a guessed IP will potentially help.